A affordable web hosting Artilce for Your Viewing
A Short affordable web hosting Summary
Ix web hosting forum is one year old
Sat, 10 May 2008 19:00:49 +0000
Ixwebhosting forum site is already one year old!!
Once year ago, i setup the “ix web hosting forum” site at domain: http://www.ixwebhostingforum.com/ . This ixwebhosting forum site is hosted at ixwebhosting shared hosting plan, and had been running from ix web hosting for the pass one year time. I also blogged about it, and you can ...]
The Parallels Open Platform enables SaaS with Parallels virtualization and automation technology through integration with a wide range of third-party applications and systems. The APS standard is a key element of the Parallels Open Platform and is used by ISVs and service providers to seamlessly integrate applications to offer to the more than 10 million businesses and individuals that use Parallels products. ISVs and service providers interested in the APS Certification Program can register at www.apsstandard.com/certification.
Full virtualization using XEN
Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:43:56 -0400
Virtualization is a technique of dividing a single server into several Virtual Servers, according to hardware and/or software, CPU Time/Process scheduling and memory allocation. Users can install and use their own Operating Systems simultaneously on these virtual servers.
My hangover on Peeps and jelly beans is now long gone, so I am back to spread the digital word on all things web hosting, web development and web anything else you might have in mind. This show is the podcast to tune into to get the first, middle and last word on the state of the hosting industry today.
Frontpage Web Hosting - What to look for in a Provider!
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:29:31 +0000
First thing first, get you own domain name – one of those yourcompany.com things. They provide the best kind of insurance possible.Insurance? Sure. If your Web address is anything other than www.yourcompany.com (i.e., yourcompany.therecompany.com, therecompany.com/yourcompany, or something of the like), and something goes wrong with your provider, you are up a creek. You are stuck ...]
Keeping in mind the important points about affordable web hosting, we hope this article on affordable web hosting proves to be very informative to you. Use these points well.
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